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Cranberry Heath
Astroloma humifusum

Cranberry Heath grows as a dense, matting prostrate shrub or groundcover with trailing stems. It grows in a variety of situations including along the Jan Juc cliffs where coastal heathland is present. It is also growing as a primary coloniser in some bare areas set back from the cliff top.
Foliage is bluish-green with the leaf margins finely ciliate and the apex mucronate (pointed).
Flowering occurs across most of the year but are seasonally more abundant from autumn to late spring. Flowers are a crimson-red and tubular and are formed in the leaf axils.
Spherical green to pinkish berries appear after flowering.

Indigenous uses as provided by the Wathaurung Aboriginal Corporation: A pretty little ground cover that produces little edible fruits sought after by the children.

Plant form
Flowering season
Spring, Autumn, Winter
Flower colour
Leaf colour
Silver Gray, Light Green
The two sides of the leaf are different colours
Leaf shape
Aristate, Lanceolate
Leaf edge
Cillate, Denticulate
Required Sunlight
Semi-shade, Full Sun
Other Features
Drought tolerant, Bird attracting, Berries